Venus in Sagittarius. Although you can take your time to commit, you believe in love at first sight. The right partner for you understands that you have a deep need for freedom, which might simply mean giving each other space to explore independent hobbies and intellectual curiosities. Both men and women with Venus in Libra crave Hollywood-worthy romance. Youll revel in every season of relationships, from the courtship dance to planning the wedding (obsessed!) Leo. Their hobby can become a second career. The former child star has tried out a lot of different careers. Venus in Scorpio is a soulful siren with a heart that extends to the darkest depths of the ocean. When love planet Venus is retrograde it can disrupt the harmony of our most important ties. They tend to reflect the coziest (and sexiest) feminine qualities of warmth and tenderness. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. He likes someone whom others will admire. Traditional astrologers love to push forward these gender stereotypes and, in some cases, it can be true. Its hard for you to hide your feelings and you may need to process them verbally. Their brooding intensity is not everyones cup of tea, but those that are vulnerable to Scorpios charm will often go wild for their depth and unmatched intensity. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. Honigman credits their good looks with getting enough beauty sleep. At first I though he was playing me, I mean, who would actually do all those things? Note that the rankings on this list are based partially on raw physical attractiveness (prettiness) as well as raw beauty, which transcends physical appearance. A relationship of two whole individuals is your ideal, not losing your identity in some claustrophobic couple bubble. Relationships are an investment, as far as youre concerned. Plays sport (conjunct Mars), but, most possibly, artistic one (Mars in Pisces). Joey Cramer, who starred in the 1986 Disney fantasy film, is 48 now. He also has an Aquarius Moon (conjunct his Mars in Pisces at 4 degrees, not sure it counts). Single days are not lonely days for you, whether youre burning up the dating apps or enjoying the virtual turn-on of erotica (or both). Cancer people are very comfortable to be around. You enjoy conversation and witty banter. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine. They have bold confidence and inherent charm that pairs excellently with their great sense of humor and a radiant smile. If they let go of the hyper-cockiness and attention-seeking behavior and instead embrace their chill side, they can really enhance their attractiveness. Venus in Piscesis very poetic and romantic Youre always willing to try a new gadget, toy, even a rotating cast of partners and "extras." Being fussed over is so NOT your thing (unless bae is bringing you chicken soup when you have the flu). Each one is like a different animal. Everyone - both male and female - also seeks out someone who embodies the traits of their Venus sign, as this is the energy they find most attractive. Venus in Aries. Each one is very different. Often reserved in public, you open up A LOT when you are in the privacy of your own home. Your energy is solid and reliable, which is a definite plus in the relationship department. And rest assured that theyll respect your privacy no matter what you go through with them emotionally. You have to understand the meaning of the 12 signs. That means he does love well,so to speak. They have been dubbed astrologers to the stars after reading for notable celebrities, including Beyonc, Emma Roberts and Stevie Wonder. With a jealous streak, you may feel quite possessive of your lover. Most Attractive Zodiac Sign (2022): The Seal of Venus 1. Assista a contedos populares dos seguintes criadores: Owen Pierson(@owenpiersonxo), libracarolastrologer(@astrostarr4), libracarolastrologer(@astrostarr4), Astrotok(@realms0flight), IntuitionsbyNiko(@intuitionsbyniko), Come back, Dan! Even a confident Scorpio can be too overbearing for most people. Look to your Venus sign for an answer to that question. While you may require room to roamor at least, let your eyes roveyou want a mate who is obsessively into you. However, this Venus is very, very sensitive to rejection, so please, bear that in mind. She is also Leo rising, so her love for quality has always been combined with Scarlett OHaras thirst for gorgeous fabrics, intricate jewellery and luscious hairstyles (and these cant be low-quality, by definition). This liberated (and sometimes fickle) Venus sign might even make it hard for you to attach to one partner. f Venus is positioned counterclockwise from the Sun (or at a later zodiac sign), your Venus type is an Evening Star. I can see this Venus falling in love( so to speak) with a picture. Moon together with the Mars conjunction he has Moon square Pluto; Moon is in the 8th house In the evening, she is Hesperus which means Western since she appeared near the Sun at dusk. Planetary rulerships affect the character, appearance, and behavior of an individual. Aspects do matter, for sure. In clothes, he may like black everything. With flirtatious energy, you draw people in and sometimes grow bored rather quickly. Anyway.. If you were born with Venus in fantasy-fueled Pisces, you see the poetry in basically everything. Each one is very different. This isnt the hottest, steamiest trait; but everyone wants to have someone comfort and listen to them. My Mums portrait. WebAttractiveness: reliable and practical Taurus is an earth sign and is associated with the planet Venus. Venus in Cancer loves all things that have to do with the home. Welcome to Popular Astrology. Venus in Capricorn likes classic everythingfrom clothes to home decor. However, Aquarius is wonderful in Venus and Mars. When you find someone who meets your standards, youre a generous and sensual lover who intuitively understands the kinesthetic realm of touch and movement. Venus regulates the world of love and desire, lust, artistic expression, and the pleasures of life. Heres What The Venus Placement In Your Birth Chart Says About Your Beauty Traits. Although you tend to be "all or nothing" when it comes to commitment, erotic encounters are a different story. Do you agree with the list, or think it misses the mark? Theres something dangerous, mysterious, and primal about them that kindles a deep sense of raw attraction. This planet reveals the key to capturing your heart and provides insight into what pleases you. Move over, Rumi. Yes, some people have universally attractive features based on reproductive fitness. Theyre stubborn and sometimes ruthless in their focus, but they remain humble and grounded. Venus teaches us about the tastes of anyone to They may be slow-moving, but they move with incredible self-confidence. Those with the Moon and Venus in very different signs will often hear from their partners or friends that the person they met is not the same as the person they're now living with. When Venus is in Aquarius, you desire a partner who finds you intelligent and interesting. Your email address will not be published. Your tastes says a lot, anyway you have a fun/entertainment blog. You may process feelings internally, working them out in your head instead of in dialogue. In Libra Venus represents loving relationships, harmony, balance, justice and judgement. This is partly due to the Sun being weak in Libra. Anyway, what a person wants in love, he/she always shows. Just use those powers judiciously because you dont always realize when youre flirting, even leading people on. All it takes is one glance at their hypnotic eyes to see it. Your "doctors bag" will likely contain a pouch with organic breath spray and chemical-free condoms or dental dams. His wife should become more of a friend to him (Moon in Aquarius) and give him a lot of physical and intellectual freedom (Aquarius, again). Most Scorpios need to learn to take their foot off the gas pedal a bit in relationships and become more lenient towards others imperfections. People born under this sign are often determined and patient, which can make them very successful in life. Venus square or opposing Neptune. They often bring out the hidden aggression in others, which is sometimes attractive but can also put people off if they feel intimidated by Leo. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Although you run cooler, you must be careful not to minimize your partners feelings. a friend to him: gives him space & is up to adventure. (Just watch Lemonade on repeat for catharsis.) Once you recover, youll never go back; in fact, with the sign of the Virgin ruling your love jones, you can maintain long bouts of celibacy between partners. And lady Taurus Venuses~ sorry - you know I love yas all~ sooooooooooooo much! I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. With your tender underbelly, it can take you years to get over a breakup or so-called rejection. Capricorn moon is detriment..I wish them well. This content includes information from experts in their field and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy. A physical lover, hugs and hand-holding are but some of the ways you show how you feel. As such, she has two names: In the morning, she is Phosphorus, which means bringer of light. Every time we are together I feel like Im in an old French romantic movie. All you ask for in return is an affectionate partner who can treat you with fairness. This can make you wildly adventurous (read: generally nonmonogamous) or endlessly devoted to your mate. They may fall down a lot in life, but theyll always pick themselves back up and keep pushing forward. - Astrology You woo at a prolonged pace and dont want to miss out on a single courtship ritual. Or they may be addicted to romance (Venus) and alhocol (or to all sort of illusions; or simply lazy; Pisces). Ultimately, youre a sapiosexual, turned on by a beautiful mind. Venus is that which we love: that which we find attractive and pleasing, quite simply our TASTES. This sensible sign always applies sunscreen and "they'll take their vitamins and go for a run because they want to be healthy when they're older." Loves sex, but, most possibly, creative and tender. What you cannot tolerate, however, is feeling restricted or possessed. The way to lose him is to cling. Captivating placements. Save the red roses and the red carpets: If you were born with Venus in practical Virgothe sign of selfless servicea pure heart and noble character are your true turn-ons. A roaming eye or an ambivalent heart are deal breakers. - just wonderin', Posts: 48From: FranceRegistered: Nov 2012, ---- [b]inconsistent hearts - fickle, outright capricious at times- easily distracted, easily seduced, and sometimes prone to excessive acts of adultery/unfaithfulness~, (just my preference and experience after 15 years of adult relations~), Totally agree. Youre looking for a partner who wants to build something stable and fruitful togetherand that doesnt come along every day. The only men I know, who in the evening wear purple silk shirts and a diamond earring. WebLook to your Venus sign for an answer to that question. Last on our list of top five attractive signs, we have the ever-sexy Scorpio. As his Venus is in the 9th house, he easily attracts (and is attracted to) partners with a cultural background different from his own: foreigners, travelers, highly educated people, people who dont fit in, or all of that at once. This sign thrives in a relationship and can be trusted with your heart. Don't be surprised if you can't take your eyes off of them. We might also feel the influence of Venus powers in more invisible ways as it affects and directs us spiritually, emotionally and energeticallyrather than by delivering any outer events or results. Most aesthetically pleasing: venus air/fire which in vedic translates to earth/water all commital nonbackstabbers . But, this is only because of society's gender rules. If you fall for someone, they are likely loyal, patient, and enjoy the simple comfort life affords. As Capricorn Sun and Aquarius Venus (Aries rising, Cancer Moon) it seems really eccentric (and Im a lesbian does it matter? Related: Which Zodiac Sign is the Smartest? But this can actually be detrimental to intimacy. As such, you may have to sift through a few more twists and turns than most before you master Cupids game. The females are the most aggressive of the female Venus signs. If you were born with Venus in iconoclastic Aquarius, your approach to relationships is unconventional, if not outright rebellious. The energy of this sign is your sex appeal, as well as what makes you initially attractive to new friends and acquaintances. What I enjoy more is a beautiful brain and I have yet to find a Libra who is quick witted, articulate and intelligent (sorry Mom! He likes a glam girl, rather than the girl next door, who would appeal more to the Taurus Venus. He does not want a clinging vine: someone who makes her whole life about him. The well-deserved 1st place and the title of the most attractive zodiac sign goes to Libra ruled by My favorite Venus in Pisces guy know who he is, although he is mad at me, now *SIGH*. Shining bright like the Sun (their planetary ruler), Leo is enthusiastically generous with their affection and resources. In astrology, we call this an inferior conjunction between the Sun and Venus. WebVenus in Taurus. He is classic for loving his children, which is a hallmark of this sign. Romance is a priority, but they are oddly noncommittal., Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Personal Numerology. Love is like a theatrical performance for those born with Venus in dramatic Leo. To determine your Venus position, first locate the Sun in your natal chart (do your FREE free birth chart here). When Venus is in Scorpio, you create an intense bond and offer a depth of loyalty unmatched in the zodiac. Your deep sensitivities allow you to care for someone else with unmatched protection. Venus also represents your fashion sense and personal style, which is something that both men and women take the time to cultivate and develop nowadays. Your email address will not be published. Negative aspects (square, opposition) mean the opposite. Her morning star cycle gives us nine juicy months of creative, visionary energy. Jealousy is a pretty foreign concept for Venus in Aquarius. Pacing yourself is an art form to learn. They might be the prettiest, behind Libra. as it pertains to all aspects of your daily life. This is simply a self-protective measure because once you open your heart, you go "all in." His home is probably brightly decorated. One soulfully sexy gaze from you might be all it takes for clothes to go a-flinging. Hope springs eternal for those born with Venus in Sagittarius; youre a gambler in the game of love. Did you know about Venus symbolizing a lover (qualities, which turn the man on), and the Moon stands for a wife (qualities, which he would love to see in his spouse)? Sorry about that, Rachelle! (That's saying something! We constantly strive to provide you with the best information possible. What makes you attractive and sexy? If Venus is at a higher degree I hope you enjoy this article! Fun fact: While the Mayans werent fooled, the ancient Greeks once thought that Venus was two planets. Whats your rising sign, by the way? Warning: With Venus in this playing-for-keeps position, you may be guilty of trying to turn a hookup into a husband (or wife), projecting soul mate qualities onto someone youve only just met.