I know from much personal experience that high end metallic preparations open ones mind to a vision of the true nature of reality very quickly. Computational Materials Science 171 (2020) 109226 2. thelowerpanelofFig.3followtheblacksolidline). Monarch slaves of the House of Rothschild David Hudson is an interesting character. The modality of these minerals in the body appear to be solely electromagnetic, rather than biochemical. Enhanced focus, mood and conscious health. the 1.twinning traumas, 2. channeling, 3. telepathic communication, and 4. astral projection so that all slaves worldwide are being pulled into In a colloid, there is no requirement that the dispersed gold be in the form of isolated atoms. It greatly enhances the pineal gland, and Check Price. Monoatomic gold is easier to ingest without adversely reacting with your metabolism. I too am rh- and was VERRRY SICK WITH MORGELLONS OR CHEMFLU= Synthetic chromosome #47..agenda 21 depopulation. Fig. These are tiny groups of between two and several hundred atoms. In the early 1900s an archaeologist called William Flinders Petrie climbed Mount Horeb in Iraq and discovered what was first thought to be a temple. 1 Some of the supplements you can buy today include: Cleopatras Milk AlchemyA Mix of Chemistry and Occultism. In other words, a chemical process which takes a few days with metallic chemistry may take months or years using this shadow chemistry. For the sake of consistency, we might want to call this shadow chemistry alchemy.. Mono Atomic Gold -Think Twice (Aug. 18, 2005) One of the major goals of Alchemy was The preparation of aurum research which involves the covalent bonding of gold nanoparticles to replicable By a special process of arc heating, gold and other platinum group metals, can be turned into a single atom or Monoatomic substance, that has superconductive properties. Although sometimes subtle, this is an energy that you can unmistakably feel, even to the point of being overwhelmed if too large a dose is taken. Also today's science explores Monoatomic Gold more and more because of its astounding characteristics. What is God? It seemed to release deep subconscious memories, provided insight into myself, my life, and to see things wholisitcally perhaps even cosmicly. He says that he took what was occult and turned This "arrogance" is something that might reasonably be seen as a correlate of the development of psychic "powers" in advance of an expansion of one's heart in love. I make my ownI feel better, gotten less sick, more spiritual, on n onI take 1 med which Im almost off now for Lupus and and every other thing I have gotten previously..I was the 1 who if got a cold got an infection..with this last flu 3 days everyone around me hospital bound. One strange and exotic property of monatomic gold is that when heated to certain temperatures, it becomes very light, even to the point where it produces antigravity properties. In that lecture, Hudson basically claims to have walked around a Phoenix hospital curing everyone of their diseases instantly using his magical gold substance. Monoatomic Gold, Ormus Benefits Of Monatomic Gold. (a process that began in 1987 and will likely reach completion somewhere Do your research because you dont want colloidal gold but the medi gold that is not toxic. Radio Interviews |Ten Best Sites | Biologic Dentistry | Dr. Hulda Clark| Planet X Sequel | 'Undocumented Immigrants' | Donald Marshall & Cloning Station Monoatomic gold is finer than nanoparticles to be better absorbed by the body. This can lead to greater clarity on ones journey toward the perfect balance of body, mind, and spirit. 1. Lucifer, will not be allowed to reincarnate on a fourth dimensional Earth. All Answers (1) The obvious answer is that they are very different. the gold. group on the gold particle was facilitated using a standard chemical method Knowing the truth means acting in accordance with it or suffering the dreadful consequences. Research by K. A. Stevenson, G. Muralidharan, L. Maya, J. They also died from taking the actual Elixirs and the Stone itself because they were not sufficiently prepared.". To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. I usually do not take the recommended amount. STAR FOOD for your mind, body and spirit Some important features which you should look out for are . Its speculated that this state of matter is made up of both physical properties (particulates) and wave-like properties (radio frequencies). But if anyone is curious about the parallel history and development of rocket propellants the fuels and the oxidizers that make them go he will find that there is no book which will tell him what he wants to know. Boosts energy. They have remained unknown for so long because they are inert and undetectable by normal analytical techniques. Given what little information is available, it is advisable for individuals considering taking either of these substances to speak with their physician or health care practitioner before doing so. and in a parallel fashion, from the bottom up. Ormus, which is also known as or m-state or the white powder of gold, is believed to be a form of matter that has achieved states beyond the usual particles found in nature. Covalent Attachment Of Gold Nanoparticles Its often seen as a path for increased intuitive awareness, self-awareness, and intuition through the energetic alignment of body and mind. That's not the way the circuit is set up in your system. The material is not here to cure aids. Alchemists did not just die from inhaling mercury fumes, or from lead poisoning. They have been the subject of much speculation in the scientific community. Both should have an impact from this as theyre blood types are linked. harmful. It is very calming and balancing, strengthens the blood and heart, reduces infection, and boosts the immune system. Here, we will report a study of stretch lengths of gold mono-atomic wires with and without 1,6-hexanedithiol (HDT) using the STM break-junction method. into 3D reality as seen with the 3, 4, or even 5 strands of DNA that now between 2018 and 2025). Because the valence electrons of monatomic atoms are unavailable, the atoms are unidentifiable. According to the reading he got from the biotron machine the ormus didnt increase my energy reading. All Ages, p. CLV. and similarity to the methylene side chain containing the amino group on He claims a doctor told him, Dave, this is like a magic material. He then cured someone else of cancer by giving them one milligram per day of monoatomic gold. First-principles investigation of monatomic gold wires under tension . DNA can be modified with functional groups at predetermined our site is link free basically but if its link is onto inappropriate website, we might ask to delete the link. By using only monoatomic atoms, ORMUS supporters believe you can create some amazing health benefits. The gold salt must be water soluble to create an ionic solution.. With a scientifically proven monatomic gold track record for physical and metaphysical care and higher alchemy feedback. higher dimensional DNA strands and prevents access to higher spiritual Hayes mentions in her books that taking mono atomic gold is ultimately perhaps becoming more evident: the Illuminati, the militarists, the satanists, MSM and other sulfur nutrients appear to require an additional triggering factor in order to convert ORMUS to metal in the body. We hope to find out more. Unfortunately, water-soluble forms of precious metals can be toxic so unless you really believe in the mystical powers of monoatomic gold and other ORMUS metals, its recommended you stay away from these supplements. Hudson continued to imply this as late as his 1999 lecture in Dallas. He left the gold out in the sun for a few minutes before it magically disappeared in a huge flash of light. Here are the problems that I see might arise from some of these misconceptions: People might think that a forty-day fast while ingesting the m-state materials will inevitably lead to "enlightenment". While limited research has been conducted on the effects of Ormus and monoatomic gold intake, there is still a lack of scientific consensus about their efficacy or safety. to DNA Templates", J. Nanosci. While attracting the public with sugar plums of enhanced psychic clarity Much later he took "very little" ORMUS gold for "not very long". We will be very happy to hear from you. That it blew out some monatomic Gold Elements. the way back to the days of the Roman Empire -- and beyond? MonoatomicGold.co.uk calls the gold a truly exotic substance and claims that it was highly-valued by ancient cultures for its mystical properties and magical powers. This could not be farther from truth. You can't claim that science (eg the study of the physical and chemical properties of matter) has to be on an equal footing with made-up fairy tales. Scientific studies have proven that this substance can actually keep your cells protected and safe from different types of diseases by doing so. If someone gets to a psychic or kundalini awakened space and hangs there then they are clinging to the signpost and will not be able to proceed on the road as long as they are attached to the signpost. Be sure to read his article after reviewing the information presented below: White Owl on The Dangers of Monoatomic Gold & 'Enki' Aliens (Feb. 4, 2009) Now it is believed it was where the large-scale smelting of a particular metal took place - that metal being gold. I . Do you know how I might go about that. Some solids crystallize into a lattice structure called metals. up close is transparent--like the gold described in the Bible as making the occult world exceptionally well, besides being skilled in the Cabala. For centuries, it has been used to further ones own consciousness and reach levels never thought possible, an in turn, offers experiences that not only allow for a person to gain a deeper insight into themselves but also the world around them. a similar substance of iridium greatly enhances the pituitary gland. 22.19 (10% off) FREE UK delivery. ZPTech claims to be creating superhealth through modern metallurgy. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. says that the promotion of mono atomic gold is an Illuminati deception. It is the only product of its kind available today. (Nov. 23, 2006) Somehow the Egyptian Pharaohs Speeds up digestion. (Nov. 23, 2006), Another Inquiry About White Powder Gold (Monotomic Gold) June 7, 2006, RE: A Father's Journal of His Son's First Year, Black Tooth Grin: The High Life, Good Times, and Tragic End of "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott, " The Wes Penre Papers A Journey through the Multiverse " (First Level of Learning) "The Wes Penre Papers" -A Journey through the Multiverse (First Level of Learning, Stanley MEYER Resonant Electrolysis Cell System, Radiant Energy -Unraveling Tesla's Greatest Secret, " The Wes Penre Papers " --A Journey through the Multiverse -- (Second Level of Learning) Written By Wes Penre, Ignition An informal history of liquid rocket propellants20191022 51957 n1lvdg, BURN OUT: POEMS AND STORIES OF AN AMERICAN TEACHER, Might Gravity be an Electromagnetic Phenomenon? Buyer is responsible for return shipping costs. deception. of a satanist and high Illuminati front man or should I be running in I am rh- & just ordered colloidal & monoatomic gold. When the co-author Fritz Light, as proven by fiber optics, can carry more information than other storage forms. applications in optical devices, nanometer-sized sensors, advanced computer Not only do our cells communicate via chemicals and electricity in our nervous system and throughout other processes, but also through the exchange of photons, or light particles. I will say this as well. They have fuller outer energy levels so they. People seeking higher brain function are being persuaded on Facebook and TikTok to buy a powder described as monatomic gold, with claims it will improve connections between neurons in the brain. @ancientsecretdiscoveries Steve Mera, the UK's most respected researcher in the realms of UFOlogy, Unexplained & Supernatural, joins Erich von Daniken to discuss Ancient Mana (otherwise known as. Add to cart. I am wondering if the people that are actually feeling something are the 15% of RH(-) on the planet. (Nov. 19, 2010) increase our base vibratory frequency and ascend into the fourth dimension Etc. When does the flu give u dementia? White powder gold produces endless possibilities for experiencing increased light through the body. Prime Enzymes Im interested as well Ive been taking it for 3 weeks now (Mother Earth Alchemy) but Im not sure if anything major is happening. 9 months, a subject will become extremely psychic and disease free. http://educate-yourself.org/lte/AshayanaDeaneonwhitegold17sep06.shtml, Anna The ability to assemble nanoparticles into arrays, networks, Rh- by the way theyve been trying to get rid of for a long time..if u havebt researched the differences in rh- blood vs. Rh+ u shldwe r medically different.. (see figure above). http://educate-yourself.org/cn/whiteowlmonoatomicgoldenkialiens04feb09.shtml He also admitted that he had not bio-located. The bread was called shew or show bread simply because it was on show. Letters| Sodom-LGBT Exp'd | 21 Illuminati Goals|Strawman Explained | Daily Blog | | Hydrogen Peroxide | Protocols of Zion | Eric Jon Phelps Exposed Due to the importance of the monatomic gold nanowires, in this paper, we studied several gold wires with different structures under tension. What Can You Do In The DC For A Few Hours? In addition, absorbance spectra of the gold nanoparticles However, Dr. Kogan of the institute does not support all of Hudsons findings as being scientifically valid. Zenergy in a section that touched upon David Hudson and the promotion/use Monoatomic Gold and other monoatomic elements also occurs in nature in minimal amounts. The subtle qualities, as for example a kundalini arousal, a samadhi, or even a psychic faculty, are often aspired by everyone as indicative of "attainment". Management of AQUA UNIVERSE GROUP is based on Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy. Because the atoms of monatomic elements are not held in a rigid lattice network, their physical characteristics are quite different from atoms which are locked in the lattice. 2023 AQUA UNIVERSE. Carbon dioxide produced by action of dilute Thus, 12 g of carbon atoms has 6.022 . Originally dating back thousands of years to the early Egyptians in Kehmet, ormus is a substance that holds a separate state-of-matter then what precious metals are usually able to exist in, and in return, the properties and benefits are also extremely different than that of traditional metals. I'm a third generation native Phoenician from an old family in the Phoenix area. Each supplement promises different benefits. When more hydrogen is present, the surface tension of water (or any other liquid) is reduced. It does not, in fact, produce any "release" from the cycle of birth-and-death. Stay safe..use ormus. Monatomic Gold,Monoatomic Gold,Ormus Gold Worlds Freshest ,Anti-Aging,Health,Joy. Gold nanoparticles Mountain Manna It has not, in fact, transcended birth-and-decay. Because Hudson Monoatomic gold can help you strengthen your immune system, combating a wide range of illnesses and medical conditions. the body is highly psychic, but it does. Stretch lengths of pure gold mono-atomic wires have been studied recently with an electrochemical scanning tunneling microscope (STM). In addition, we report an approach I'm not saying whether it is right or wrong but that is my background.. Surprisingly, Hudson was able to patent monoatomic gold in the United Kingdom, although that patent expired in 1993. In February 2009, I was sent a letter by a man named White Owl which greatly expanded my understanding of the deceptive allure surrounding the use of mono atomic gold and its reputation for opening doors to other vibratory planes. Most aspirants starting out on a spiritual path think this would be great - thinking that this process simply involves 'knowing cool stuff'. Used To Read A Persons Mind All of this, in turn, allows you to sleep better and rejuvenate your body faster. From Anonymous, http://www.rense.com/general67/gold.htm These differences are currently being investigated by nuclear physicists, so it isnt possible to make an exhaustive list of the differences. To detect a monatomic element requires that you first convert it from its monatomic state to its normal state to allow the element to be detected with conventional instrumentation. Please allow 10-17 business days for North America, 14-20 for overseas. There are products for sale, supposedly for medical and other purposes, which claim to contain monatomic gold, m-state materials, ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements), or ORMUS. Information on our products is provided for informational purposes only. Back to the growing in sprouts in monatomic Gold Elements. Many believe ORMUS to be the 'Philosopher's . The reaction between the amino group on the DNA and the carboxyl I heard about Ormus and researched it heavily..I made my own n have been on it for 2+ months maybe 3 now.. its the BEST THING I EVER DID!! A July 27, 1996 interview with this gentleman revealed that he started the fast "About two years ago". Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave Peter Bright, Ars Technica, 31 Oct. 2018 True liberation, the transcendence of it all, comes only when even the subtle views that we have of enlightenment, of each other, of a Truth however Universal it may seem, e.g., all this garbage that is our reality solidified, can be completely relinquished. The activation of more than two strands of DNA 1023 atoms. If you take this, you probably wouldnt feel any effect, but if you are one of the 15%, it could be life-changing, maybe even life saving. This may be the missing link for my healing. Craig, My husband served in Iraq and has PTSD along with TBI. Mini Silver Terminator (MST) | Chembusters & Orgone Generators | Reverse Polarity Colloidal Silver Generator | Smart Phone Dangers | Contact Us/ E-mail When you add STAR FOOD to your diet you are supplying your body with large amounts of naturally sourced Monatomic Gold plus antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and chlorophyll all from one daily spoonful. Today, the gold is sold by various naturopathic supplement makers online. .yes we are ..everyone staying on the planet is..most of us go through a phase where we lose our hair..Its called light body activation..and there are 12 phases.. ul notice eye blurriness, increased eye discharge, feeling like grit or hairs or stuck in ur eyes, ear ringing, dizziness when standing, flu aches n pains, increased fatigue bigtime, change in relationships, jobs, living environment, etcand sling urself the bigger questions. eating the sho-bread. There is new dna cell treatment. Some of his associates can even be described as quite hostile towards my article, like the ORMEs-consumer interviewed on the moderated forum. It can be manufactured alchemically out of 24carat metallic gold. David Hudson, the guy who first discovered monoatomic gold, reportedly spent $5 million obtaining his samples of ORMUS. The human body is a marvelous bioelectric machine, and all of its processes depend on the clear and (ideally) unimpeded conduction of electrical messages required to carry out those processes. Note into Chapter 10C of Fritz Springmeier/Cisco Wheeler's on-line book Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Check Price. Alchemy during the 16th through 18th centuries was essentially a mix of early chemistry and occultism, crossing empirical research with mystical philosophy. Monoatomic gold sometimes referred to as the philosophers stone or star fire, is thought to be produced through the reduction process known as Alchemical Dew Transmutation. it into science. The amazing nutritional supplement by Zeropoint Technologies is a terrific remedy that may supply enhanced cognitive function and numerous physical benefits. Hello, how do you make your own Powder and also how are you taking it? The Youtube videos about it have a disappointing . Icke on Monoatomic Gold I tried psylocybin, hemp oil, and then the white gold powder. But I have a notice Improvement in my joints in my knees predictably. Its possible that they can help boost areas like creativity or mental acuity by impacting neurotransmitter function in the brain or by altering molecular structures within cells which may then affect DNA expression of certain genes associated with better cognition or enhanced immune response pathways. In order Its NOT THE FLU FOLKS Have u noticed that theyre mandating all health care workers get fully vaccinated including the useless flu vaccine?Read the package inserts on vaccineswhy DO WE NEED INSECT DNA IN THEM, MERCURY, FORMALDEHYDE, ANTIFREEZE, ABORTED FETAL CELLS??? Researchers Find Gold Nanoparticles Capable of Unzipping DNA (June 20, 2012) Please let me know where I can get some star food. Monatomic elements Group 0 elements (the noble gases) including Helium, Neon and Argon, exist as single, unattached particles. I do not know for sure at this time how much it has helped I bought some online. Ormus. I will let you know by the end of October Maybe. C-Gro. Monatomic Gold, also known as the "Philosophers Stone" has attained a state of worship through history. At any rate, in recent A few years ago, I've inserted the following Precautionary I was taking 4 realms Monatomic gold. Everything just seemed to come together. Hudson claims he cured a person with AIDS by giving her monoatomic gold. In 1995 Professor Gerald Hennesy along with David Hudson researched further into the properties of this substance, finding that it is an isotope element made up of individual atoms without any neutralizing electrons being present.