In the Lair of the Shadow Broker there are some videos you can watch. "Dossier: The Professor" ( Mass Effect 2) The recruitment mission for Dr. Mordin Solus is among the first Shepard can take in Omega, a crime-ridden station that feels (and probably smells . mordin also has a bunch of stuff unique here. garrus notices you got the salarians to help out - you can either tell him the truth as your best bro or say "careful diplomacy" (ends conversation rather boringly). if spacer, tali for the conversation about spacers and tax evasion. Mass Effect 2 rebuilds both Commander Shepard and the Normandy crew from the ground up. Especially for those wanting a Biotic heavy Squad. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. bring her if you must - she'll have extra lines anyway. Thane loyalty: Tali/Garrus - They both have a single funny line. After completing the IFF do NOT do any N7 missions or DLC until the post game. otherwise, any squad combination can be conceivably left up to you as all your squadmates WILL have a lot of things to say to you and each other. before meeting up with anderson at least, you may want to bring along your human squadmates for the ride, being alliance soldiers and all. It all makes for a fantastic and unique mission that lives up to the character it's based around. After doing all of the recruitments, its time for the loyalty missions. notes hotness. Prologue: Save Joker/Awakening: Jacob & Wilson I understand where your coming from, but I disagree. Any Barriers that need to be Warped? Every loyalty mission, the choices, and the calls you made have a huge effect on the Squad and Mass Effect 3. Normandy crash site: N/A - This feels like Shepards loyalty mission to me so I like to do it as the last mission (besides Tali and Legion). Garrus recruitment. Thanks for your hard work! In ME1 and 3, squad combos aren't as necessary, but in ME2, with fragile health and shields and relatively few powers to use, it is a vital element. Intricacy and choice drive the trilogy, and . On the one hand, you should do as late in the game as possible; on the other hand, it should be done early if you're importing a high-paragon save from ME1. She, of course, isn't patiently waiting in her cell; she's causing havoc. shep replies that the inside man would've been caught easily. :-). Samara loyalty. Legion loyalty: Tali - Not too much more dialogue than the other squadmates but it fits. Where Garrus prefers to take enemys out with a long-range combat style, Tali prefers to go in all guns blazing with her shotgun. Essential Normandy SR-2 Upgrades. 5- Magnesium. Kasumi's loyalty. I like doing Lair of the Shadow Broker right before the Reaper IFF; someone on here said it was basically Shepard's personal loyalty mission, especially if they romanced Liara in ME1. Dossier the Warlord: Mordin and Anyone - Mordin has unique dialogue and is really useful for this mission. especially if they meet legion instead of geth vi. this is generally a game-changing event so most everyone will have something to say after mission. the DLCs fit in nicely right after endgame, but you can definitely hold Tali's loyalty mission off til after IFF, then do that, then Legion's loyalty, then the next mission, but do not do anything in between Legion's loyalty and the next mission. This is really good but Ill add a couple things. Augments: 5x Kinetic Coil forgot if this setup happens only after this mission or if it has other triggers as i've played through the mission recently twice - one before rannoch, the current after rannoch and IIRC the same lounge group happened. The Normandy crash site works much better as a loyalty mission for Shepard imo. Gameplay and stories in Trilogy. Citadel. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. If you romanced Liara in ME1 you miss out on the dialogue if you cheated on her if you do it early. liara + garrus for the yahg (both times) and wrex interactions. I struggled so much because this was my first time playing ME2 on console, so I couldn't edit my save to give myself more paragon and renegade points to roleplay however I wanted. allers (delayed reporting of thessia fiasco). To get there, you need to make your way up Dantius tower. RELATED: Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Choices That Impact The Whole Game. Dossier: The Justicar - Both the Justicar and Assassin dossier quests are initiated on Illium, so . traynor brings up the mission for grissom academy. introduce yourself as alliance, maeko matsuo comments on being a long way from home, garrus: citadel authority supersedes yours, kaidan: we going to let them do this commander, liara: it would not be wise to search for the geth unarmed, tali: -lol nothing she never issues any threats-. Technically, this is Samara's loyalty mission, but as you're able to recruit Morinth during it, it should count as a recruitment one too. Tali always ends up nearly last and Legion gets basically no screen time from me. Garrus Overload means shields can still be taken down quickly without fear. Zaeed loyalty. Thane recruitment. kaidan has a spontaneous line at the beginning and a rather generic one at the end when koris is being swarmed by geth. Jack recruitment. For information on the controls, general gameplay mechanics, and AI behaviors of NPC allies, see Squad. Jack Loyalty - Some banter between Jack and Miranda. The way he excitedly remembers/realizes he has a gun cracks me up. Players can use this to close the distance on targets that are a few meters away, swooping in for the kill. says something in-mission and after mission. Then when you get to your target, you find out that it's Garrus. lookup everybody's unique dialogue pages on the relevant sections. While Kasumis Tech abilities Shadow Strike, Overload and Flashbang Grenade can effectively take down shields, Grunt can go in and finish the job. bring them both to the same stand at the same time for maximum lulz), miranda / jack (lv 28 - dark star lounge), derelict reaper: (tali / garrus) + (miranda / samara / thane), everybody asks if liara has ever uncovered a dinosaur. this will be a perpetual work in progress so i apologize in advance for any RC clogging in the future. lastly, garrus reminds you not to let him face you at poker. From beginning to end, there are very few duds. Need high paragon or renegade at the end if Miranda is loyal. NEXT: Mass Effect Legendary Edition: All Combat Abilities, Ranked. Generally the most violent person I've ever met, took one look at his pregnant wife and fainted. Garrus and Miranda for dual Overload against many shields. forgot if this is also valid for ashley, and if dialogue differs whether you romanced them or not. Bring who you like. and he won't ever believe javik is prothean. shepard replies in the negative. Mordin has some dialogue regardless of if you take him with you or not, but it is slightly altered if he is with you. For Zaeed, you meet him on Omega while he's intimidating a Batarian. Mass Effect 2 Tali Explaining What Dark Matter Is Doing To Haestrom, Mass Effect 2: Every Squad Recruitment Mission, Ranked, Dossier: The Veteran (Zaeed Massani) AndDossier: The Master Thief (Kasumi Goto), Mass Effect: Commander Shepard's 5 Most Dangerous Side Missions (& 5 Easy Ones), many consider to be the best companion in the series. no surprises there. Can someone please explain this line to me "leave at least 1 N7 mission for the post game in order to access all of the videos". And nice list, saving for a future playthrough. if tali is romanced, EDI will speak up if other squadmate is clueless (or if she's the other squadmate). There are 9 videos total but you can only watch 3 at a time. This fic takes a deeper dive into the story and characters, as well as adding or altering some events. the reapers are winning." If playing paragon, you need a very high score to save everyone and keep Zaeed loyal. Zaeeds Inferno Grenade is a strong Tech power that can do lasting fire damage when fully upgraded. Mordin and Miranda. ebook Mass Eect 3 Collectors Edition Prima Ocial Game Guide collections that we have. It just feels right to do it then. LotSB sets up ME3 way more than anything else in ME2, besides Arrival. And they're even involved in the entertaining boss battle at the end of the quest. tali + thane. You should visit each time you do a mission to see the three sets of footage. noveria: once you leave port hanshan your choice of squadmates is locked. The story of Mass Effect falls mainly in the genre of space opera. As the only two companions from Mass Effect to join the Normandy crew, fans often choose to buddy these two up. During the final mission of Mass Effect 2, Shepard will be faced with a series of choices, each of which drastically affects who lives and dies by the end of the . Best Mass Effect 2 Crewmates: Grunt. On Omega: one dialogue to unlock Zaeed in squad. Horizon. I also normally have Jacob as the 2nd squad leader for some variety when going through the seeker swarms because I like to give every single character a role in the suicide mission. This is a guide for what is in my opinion the best mission order for story reasons and what squadmates to bring on which missions for the most unique dialogue, while still being able to do missions in an order that makes sense. your love interest if you want to go thematically appropriate even if there's no dialogue to be had. allers-traynor intercom conversation: rachni. to that end, garrus will have a slight change of initial dialogue if visited first instead of the AI core. joker-james intercom conversation about exosuits. Mass Effect 2 is the best game but it doesn't have Liara outside of Lair of the Shadow Broker so I had to vote for 3. The latter is especially useful for Infiltrators on high difficulty levels: with the Cloak damage bonus, it can one-shot most unshielded enemies. those particularly memorable: legion / thane / zaeed, samara AND zaeed (given the crack pairing in ME3 it's worth a minor hoot hearing their wildly different views on pit fighting), grunt AND kasumi (one hates ramen, the other loves it. tali (changes on whether compromise achieved or not, otherwise she's obviously dead if you chose geth), javik (changes on: whether you brought him planetside or not, whoever you sided with), kaidan | garrus (changes on whoever you sided with - kaidan will be hit pretty hard with ash and tali if geth chosen, garrus laments a potential flame extinguished). james + javik: "you're like sun tzu, but with more eyes!" if earthborn, ashley. if you want to hear javik say he'd like to live like a king among the hanar (or so i've read in this wiki), DON'T GO HERE. This subreddit is the unofficial source for people who love the Mass Effect universe including the games, books, comics, and DLC. The galaxy needs a hero to rise to the occasion, and live up to her father's legacy. if james and kaidan at poker table after this mission they'll chime in about taking down the reaper. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. EDI has a bit but only in the shuttle ride back. even tali and legion. Mordin and Miranda for a main story mission + Incendiary and Warp. Suicide Mission: I know Kasumi has dialogue in ME3 if she's the tech specialist. It gets even more compelling once Legion enters the fray as up till that point, the Geth had always been hostile. garrus, dextro chocolate, and romance subtexts. This is because it's so different from the usual adventure. Having completed her Bachelor of Journalism at RMIT University in Melbourne, Eleni is now writing and working across a variety of outlets to bring viewers and listeners some great gaming content. If your class cannot use any of these weapons then picking one of these will unlock these weapons for use with that class. a good amount of assets (tried getting him after priority: rannoch with tali in tow) = "more confidence than fear". for the sober version, vice versa. I forgot how shitty morality system is in ME1 and 2. But there are already other so common ones, such as space travel and the future of humanity, which continue to be an almost inexhaustible source of inspiration. The only mission in the guide after LotSB is Arrival. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci-Fi - Liara T'Soni, Miranda L., Shepard, OC - Chapters: 15 - Words: 143,227 - Reviews: 85 - Favs: 126 . Other than that, bring squad with Overload and AI Hacking against geth. He's got a lot more unique and to-the-point dialogue, particularly in the first half of the mission. javik draws geth-zhatil parallels. Horizon: Garrus/Miranda/Mordin - Garrus has some things to say to a character in this mission. RELATED: Mass Effect 4 Needs to Avoid Andromeda's Biggest Pitfall. other than that, most of garrus' lines are just swapped for liara's. Miranda and Garrus for dual Overload against geth shields. If you'd like to know the different ways you can save everyone during the suicide mission in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, this is for you. It all concludes with a solid fight against a gunship. Also I happen to think narratively Jacob is the best choice for escorting the Normandy crew. javik highly recommended, although other squadmates will be talkative here as well. The main reason to send Mordin is to keep him safe during the last stand. Leaving at least 2 missions for the post game allows you to see all of Legions conversations on the Normandy. Between Garrus and Thane, their long-distance support does exactly that, however, they both possess Tech and Biotic powers to help minimize any variety in enemy attacks or health. In ME2, what squad combos would you recommend for each class and why? For me, my choice of squadmates depends on how I am playing my class. There are no spoilers besides squadmate and mission names so you can use this on a first playthrough. I can confirm that Samara and Legion do not have any dialogue if they were chosen. and joker will suggest something may have "miscalibrated" over the intercom. javik/garrus intercom: "subservient race", mordin: KROGAN QUEEN SONG (this may trigger in other missions if you've done them first, point is if you're ready to hit priority: tuchanka expect to hear this any time), garrus (points of change: if you brought him or not, if wrex/wreav is leader), tali again on a long intercom exchange w/ liara/ash/kaidan (depending on who was brought planetside - ex. Zaeed and Garrus are the Mercenary duo that makes sure the mission gets done no matter the cost. the highlight of the aftermission. bring characters with loyalty conflicts on each other's recruitment and loyalty missions to bring their issues full circle: miranda and jack, legion and tali. Garrus has unique dialogue, but his powers aren't too useful here. You're tasked with finding the professor, and then you need to help him disperse a cure for the deadly plague that's infecting the district. Yes, it's odd to put this here, but: lots of XP, 60k creds, free tech upgrade, unlocks Flashbang Grenade, and you find the Locust, the best SMG in the game, crucial for all non-Soldier classes. Includes single-player base content and over 40 DLC from Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3 games, including promo weapons, armors and packs remastered and optimized for 4K Ultra HD. Those scenes of Jack in action are some of the highlights of the mission as she destroys everything in her path. ashley and her typical gung-ho attitude on this. if shep's biotic, kaidan + garrus. garrus-legion intercom conversation: CALIBRATIONS! An unlikely combo, pairing the Geth Squadmate Legion with the loyal Cerberus Officer Miranda Lawson can be a great team for those playing through with a Commander Shepard that isnt a Tech-focused class. spartandude N1. Usually I choose my squadmates based on the . derelict reaper - activating legion and conversation 1, bringing legion with tali to the alarei then talking to him afterwards - conversation 2 and acquiring loyalty mission, doing loyalty mission - conversation 3 (asking about heretics), IFF READY, CREW GETS KIDNAPPED - conversation 4 (there was a hole), collectors taken care of - conversation 5 (do-these-units-have-a-soul), doing side missions with tali right after kidnapping her from the migrant fleet (everything that's not in between. personal gripe:<. If you have Throw, yourself, be sure to get Throw Field at level 4: it's a lifesaver against husk hordes, particularly at the end. All News Trailers/Videos One aspect of Mass Effect 2 that makes it such a great game is the mission quality. Miranda loyalty: Jack/Anyone - Jack has a single line while everyone else has no lines. ", talk to the council (if saved from original mass effect): garrus or jacob. EDI will have a moment of doubt if you destroy the geth, mourn legion and his emergent personality if compromise reached. Dude sucks even on his own loyalty mission. After its installed an event will happen and doing any missions besides the final mission after that event will have consequences. - Itineraries - carefully planned routes to . garrus / EDI for interaction with jack and david archer. There is a more engaging section where you fight a horde of Krogan, though. Firewalker missions: Anyone - I think it gives you a nice change of pace if you do Firewalker about here. one because he shares a room with grunt, the other james will be against setting the rachni queen free. Mordin has arguably the best Tech abilities in Mass Effect 2. one for the note about using biotics to float, the other for samara's greeting recognition. As long as you remember that in this imaginary future we will live in harmony with other species with which we share the immense cosmos. maximize this by getting tali first (see special notes). I also have a ME1 guide and ME3 guide if you are interested. To see one helping you raises questions and makes you realize there's plenty of things still to learn about the machines. so many permutations it's practically redundant to detail them here. Each Experience all three Mass Effect games in an amazing offering that includes the original Mass Effect for the first time. Incendiary and Warp are useful against Scions and the Praetorian. exploring the rest of Havarl Jaal regularly chimes in about an area, whether he's in the squad or comms. Doing it this late gives you all of the unique dialogue. Quick 200XP. I know this is a little late, but having just done Jacob's loyalty mission with Thane as the other squaddie, I strongly recommend Mordin going instead. The fighting isn't bad either as it includes plenty of husks, which are always satisfying to kill. If you feel bad about bringing Jack to something so personal to Miranda than you can bring someone else. Thane. Lair of the Shadow Broker: Anyone - The rewards for this mission are super useful but you cant really use them if you do it this late. Despite the narrative of Mass Effect 2 pitting these two women against each other, they make a great team from a gameplay perspective. Lines are drawn, blood is spilled, and in the shadows, an ancient power stirs. xen for war assets. this triggers after completion of both rannoch sidequests so you can also get this after saving koris if you did that second. Mass Effect Legendary Edition. To recruit Morinth, you need to avoid that andchoose her over her mother, Samara. (Avoiding spoilers). Other squads at your leisure (but bring a heavy hitter for Garrus's, such as Zaeed/Grunt, because mechs). essentially, kirrahe will react to the presence of your ME squad members. Its fitting to bring Miranda here for spoiler reasons. reminiscence about virmire, haestrom, the sacrifices of others and finding comfort with someone who shared the old days. Mordin loyalty: Garrus/Tali - Garrus has a line that gets referenced in the citadel DLC in ME3 if you brought him here. i made this for myself in order to save some time on who to bring on what missions on upcoming future playthroughs. Posts: 27 . Squad Warp Ammo 2 - Shockwave 4 - Pull Field 3 - Subject Zero 4 - Squad Warp Ammo . if you're one of those shepards who bring squadmates just to hear their take on whatever it is you're doing (and couldn't care less if whoever you're bringing is gameplay-optimal for the mission or not), feel free to look around/add your own suggestions. (purgatory date with EDI). Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition - Strategy GuideDictionarium Botanicum Dragon Age: Inquisition - Strategy GuideFinal Fantasy X-2 HD - Strategy GuideMass Effect 3 Legendary Edition - Strategy GuideFCC Record Fire Emblem: Awakening - . In regards to both recruitment and loyalty quests, it's one of the best. if kaidan's dead, ashley a good snarky alternative. Is that right? This is the order I like to do them in but you can do whatever. What's more, she's arguably the best Mass Effect companion ever. Mass Effect 3: Best Squad choices for main quest Priority missions. to get the drunk version, speak to tali first on the lounge before heading to javik downstairs. a reasonable amount of assets = "uncertainty". Arrival: this DLC was the last released for ME2, and basically is a little mini prologue to Mass Effect 3. Hope y'all enjoyed. the points of interest here are the catacombs, the murals (kalros but not kakliosaur paintings), and the reaper destroyer. However, they do mention this will actually be from Forge World, which means they will be in resin. there is a clickable vista here. Also asking me to vote for 1 character when Liara, Tali and Garrus are all . "Spectres, well, that's what they look for- initiative, sound judgment, a dash of insanity." My novelization of Mass Effect 1, featuring Commander Nathaly Shepard and the rest of the crew, with an eventual Shenko romance. Most of the locations are filled with toxic canisters that are highly dangerous yet enhance your biotics. javik and EDI: intercom conversation about EDI's cerberus origins. Thank you!!).**. I like using both Tali and Garrus because this is the first mission with both of them and the antagonist of it is a ME1 character. I have an improved version of this guide in a post containing a guide for every single game making this guide pointless. everyone will have lines depending on their own points of view, these above are the ones noteworthy. talk to kaidan. just wander who you people think are the best squad members to take with you for different missions for special dialog or you just think they should be there for that mission example: taking Legion on Tali's loyalty mission missions: Convict Warlord Doctor Archangel-Horizon-Quarian Assassin Samara-IFF-----Loyalty Missions: Jacob Miranda Garrus Mordin Jack Grunt Tali Samara Thane Legion just .